How can I borrow or find resources at different libraries?


WorldCat is an international catalog that allows you to search for resources at other institutions.

Once you find an item, you may see which institutions have a copy by clicking “Libraries Worldwide."


If an item available at NMSU Library appears in your WorldCat search results, the item record will specify in green text. Click "Search the catalog at New Mexico State University" to find the item's location at NMSU Library.


Additionally, you may use WorldCat to quickly populate your Request It! form for interlibrary loan.

While logged into your Request It! account, open WorldCat in a seperate browser tab, find the resource you need, and click the Request It! icon beneath the item's record.



Your Request It! form is now populated with all of the needed information to submit an interlibrary loan request.


  • Last Updated Jul 01, 2021
  • Views 646
  • Answered By Wendy Simpson

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