How do I set up document delivery or pickup?


The courier program formerly known as Pegasus is now available!

This courier service offers physical delivery and pick up of NMSU Library-owned, ILL, and/or other materials to departmental offices for staff, faculty and Ph. D candidates.

To register and utilize this service, users must have an active NMSU banner account and provide a working email address for notifications and communication. New users will need to create an account, and current ILL users will need to update their account profile. This can be done by clicking the following link.

Provided below are helpful information to help ensure requested materials meet their destination.

-When filling out the Address Line 1 box, place the building and room number of your department’s main office in which you receive mail.

-In the delivery method box, select the preferred loan delivery method and make sure Mail to Address is selected.

-Make sure to click the submit information when updating your account.

For pickup when materials are ready to be returned to the Library, email a request to or submit this form:

Questions may also be emailed to


  • Last Updated Feb 23, 2024
  • Views 30
  • Answered By Wendy Simpson

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